Meri is an International “System Solution Supplier” with Primary Expertise for the Paper Industry, based on more than 5000 Installations World Wide and more than 30 Years of experience since 1990.
The activities of Meri are operated by MERI Environmental Solutions GmbH Head Office in Munich, Germany and two local Competence Centers, Meri Inc. in Appleton WI, USA and Meri Environmental Technology (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. In Kunshan, China.
Meri considers it´s self as Competence Leader for Peripheral Subsystems in Paper Mills:
Fresh Water Preparation, Water Loop Management, handling, dewatering and up-cycling of Residuals (e.g. Reject, Sludge etc.), Effluent Treatment, Chemical Preparation, Waste to Energy (W2E) Systems, Material Handling for waste paper and raw materials and all kinds of Engineering Services.
The focus is to provide customized solutions for each individual paper mill and their specific needs, matching or exceeding all applicable Environmental Regulations and Sustainability Targets. Meri differentiates to others because of its high process expertise not only for Environmental Interfaces but as well as for synergies and optimization of the “Core Paper Production Process”. Many state-of-the-art Technologies and Definitions as WSR Subsystems for Water, Sludge and Reject, Water Loop Management, the “Integrated Recycle Paper Mill” the “Bio Kidney and Lime Trap Technology” have been set and established over decades by sucesfully by the “meri Compentence Teams”.
Today Meri has 3 Main Activity Areas:
Pre-Study and Execution of New Green Field Recycled Paper Production Plants
Compared to years ago, today any new project for a paper production plant requires today extensive pre-studies as far as environmental interfaces and sustainability is concerned.
With the experience of thousands of equipment and many hundred installed plants and subsystems, Meri can support customers in their new projects with a solid base of expertise and experience to define the “Key Environmental Interfaces” and the respective Peripheral Processes for a State of the Art Paper Production Plant. We typically execute the following services:
- Pre-conceptual definitions of operational parameters and Environmental Interfaces
- Pre-conceptual definition of process blocks for water, raw materials, handling of residuals, opportunities of up cycling, incineration are landfill.
- Establishing model our block balances to simulate all possible process parameters and operational conditions.
- Creation of respective partial subsystem flowsheets, based on block balances, preliminary sizing of equipment, necessary volumes and tanks, logistics of raw materials and handling of Residuals & Rejects
- Definition of possible water loop management, which allows definition of fresh water consumption and effluent discharge according to applicable permitting and regulations.
- Based on executed balancing, flowsheets and respective equipment and process module sizing elaboration of possible layouts and billing arrangements.
- Definition and execution of process and equipment catalogs for external bidding process
- Structuring and definition of necessary project management, engineering and on-site services for project execution.
- Delivery and execution of project
- commissioning, startup and babysitting until final optimization and performance is reached
All services are executed by experienced meri specialists, using the most modern engineering tools (e.g. specific balancing systems, process module calculation by database, 3D planning and modeling of possible layouts).
Auditing and Upgrade of existing Paper Mills
In comparison to the above described steps for new Green Field projects, the upgrade of existing paper mill Sub- Systems respectively process blocks, requires a solid knowledge of the status quo conditions.
In most of the cases for upgrade projects Auditing of the actual Process-, Equipment- and Environmental- Conditions is mandatory, as a solid basis for further upgrade planning which involve us identical or similar steps as described above.
Service and Spare Part Business Service
Compared to other industries paper mills run 24/7 for up to 355 days a year. Availability of Equipment and continuous functional-operation of Process Bolcks is mandatory and essential for economic efficiency.
Beside a reliable supply of Wear and Spare Parts, service support or full execution of preventive maintenance and in case emergency service is one of meri´s business strength.
We have dedicated special skilled personal to support the Paper Mill’s needs and supply:
- Accurate delivery of Wear- and Spare Parts for meri Equipment
- Executive Service for Preventive Maintenance and Emergency Support
- Equipment Service Audit to define necessary Maintenance and Parts
- Maintenance and Service- Training for meri Equipment
- Process and Performance Audit to improve operation
- Supervising and Assembly Support for new installed Equipment
- Refurbishment and Re-Work of Wear-Spare Parts
- Temporarily rent of Replacement- Equipment to secure operation while overhauling
- Pilot- and Functional Testing of particular Process- Requirements