
Advanced pressure less, open area, Upwards Sand Filtration with integrated Sand bed Cleaning and Regeneration for fully continuous operation, without intermediate backwashing cycles.

The Sand Filtration operates in a circular stainless steel or concrete tank. The special raw water feed design provides uniform Surface distribution of the Inlet stream.

The filtration flow goes upwards through the sand filter bed, clear water is collected in overflow weir in the Topside of the Filter for discharge.

The sand bed and the filtered contaminants (slurry) slide down the Cone to the lower collection chamber, where this sand, water, contaminants mixture is sucked by multiple “Air Lift Mamut Pumps”.

The airlift Mamut pumps use compressed air to move Sand, Water and Slurries through a pipe to the Backwashing Cell which is located on the very top of the sand filter.

High turbulence removes impurities, and clean sand returns to the filter bed, in the Washing Cell isolated sand granules are backwashed in Upstream while falling down on the topside of the sand filter bed.

The Key advantage of this technology is continuous Filtration Operation and Continuous Sand Backwashing at the same Time


  • High Efficiency & Continuous Operation, No downtime for back washing, ideal for systems requiring constant water flow.
  • Integrated continuous back washing of sand in counter current flow with bubble flotation
  • No moving mechanical parts underwater, no mechanical wear and tear on the pump.
  • Energy-efficient Continuous Sand Filtration compared to conventional system
  • No moving parts, simple sturdy design
  • Available with Stainless Steel or Concrete Filter Tank
  • Modular System which allows Layout set up with single or multiple units as Sand Filter Farm

Why to buy

  • Market Leading Continuous Operating Sand Filter System with more then 250 Installations WW
  • High 24/7 Filter Performance with Lowest Maintenance & Energy Consumption
  • Capacity up to 65 m³/h through put (flow) per filter unit
  • Low Space Requirement and Modular Flexible Layout

Typical & Proven Process 

  • Surface – / Fresh Water Filtration from River or Lake
  • Fine Filtration for PM Shower Waters
  • Tertiary Treatment in Effluent Treatment Plants
  • Color Removal in Combination with Flocculation

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